507: Your Leadership Pipeline & True Consultant Love – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio


This Week: 

Your Leadership Pipeline 
Dennis Miller returns to encourage you to identify and develop future leaders in your nonprofit. He explains what goes into your leadership development plan. He’s president of Dennis C. Miller Associates.

True Consultant Love
If your leadership pipeline is lackluster, you’ll have to hire outside talent. Our 20NTC panel helps you pick the right match for a great consulting relationship. They’re Loree Lipstein and Tracy Shaw from thread strategies.

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

364: Labor Law & In-Kind Gifts – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio

tony_martignetti_300x300-itunes_image2Tony’s guests this week:

Thomas Wassel, attorney & partner at Cullen and Dykman law firm.

Also, Maria Semple, our prospect research contributor and The Prospect Finder. 

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com