427: Flash Fundraising & DEI and Governance II – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio

tony_martignetti_300x300-itunes_image2This week:

Flash Fundraising
Prepare. Launch. Engage. These are the essential elements for rapidly and successfully fundraising when breaking news intersects with your cause. Matt Scott from CauseMic talks us through.

DEI and Governance II
Gene Takagi and I wrap up last week’s thoughtful convo on diversity, equity and inclusion, with mechanics for your board: by-laws; recruiting; committees; decision making; oversight metrics; and more. He’s our legal contributor and principal of NEO, the Nonprofit & Exempt Organizations law group.”

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

426: DEI & Governance – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio

tony_martignetti_300x300-itunes_image2This week:

DEI & Governance
Diversity, equity and inclusion run deeper than having folks of color on your board. Are you managing treatment, access and opportunity for non-white males? Gene Takagi and I talk through the issues, goals and methods. He’s our legal contributor and principal at NEO, the Nonprofit & Exempt Organizations law group.

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

425: Financial Fraud – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio

tony_martignetti_300x300-itunes_image2This week:

Financial Fraud
It can happen in your org. How do you prevent it? What are the red flags that reveal it? What do you do when you discover it? Who are the likely perps? Tiffany Couch is a forensic accountant and CEO of Acuity Forensics.

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

424: Successful Run/Walks & #19NTC – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio

tony_martignetti_300x300-itunes_image2This week:

Successful Run/Walks
Emily Parks melds her productivity consulting with her experience in run/walks to give you her best tips that will make your sporting events winners. She’s founder of Organize for Success.

The 2019 Nonprofit Technology Conference is March 13-15 in Portland, OR. Amy Sample Ward, our social media & technology contributor, CEO of NTEN and a Portlander, shares why you need to be there. Hint: You’re reading this. You use technology.

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

423: Courageous Communication – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio

tony_martignetti_300x300-itunes_image2This week:

Courageous Communication
Maryanne Dersch says your nonprofit may be codependent and it’s stifling your communications. Are you afraid to stand out? Do you prefer middle-of-the road content to driving on the sidewalk? She may be right. She’s the author of the book, “Courageous Communication.”

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

422: Donor Centric – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio

tony_martignetti_300x300-itunes_image2This week:

Donor Centric
To keep your donors, think and act like successful private sector companies. Curtis Bingham is founder of the Chief Customer Officer Council and a multi-award winning customer success strategist, conveying corporate methods to nonprofits.

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

421: Zombie Loyalists – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio

tony_martignetti_300x300-itunes_image2This week:

Zombie Loyalists
Peter Shankman is a well-known and often-quoted social media, marketing and public relations strategist. His book is “Zombie Loyalists: Using Great Service to Create Rabid Fans.” He wants you to create rabid fans who do your social media, marketing and PR for you. He’s got super ideas and lots of valuable stories. I like to play this each year. (Originally broadcast 12/19/14)

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

419: The Encouragement Show – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio

tony_martignetti_300x300-itunes_image2This week:

The Encouragement Show
Sarah Olivieri wants you to shed fear-based decision making, scarcity mentality and reflexive negativity, in favor of confidence, abundance and an open mind. Your host has encouraging words of his own to contribute. Sarah is principal of Pivot Ground.

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

418: Lean Impact – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio

tony_martignetti_300x300-itunes_image2This week:

Lean Impact
Your organization can adopt the lean innovation practices that help fuel the rapid evolution of digital tech in Silicon Valley. Ann Mei Chang says you need to, if you’re to do your best work in social change. She’s author of the new book, “Lean Impact: How to Innovate for Radically Greater Social Good.”

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com