615: Team Care – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio


This Week: 

Team Care 
Susan Comfort wants you to go beyond self care, which we’ve covered over the last two weeks, to team care. Yes, take care of yourself and your friends, then look after your team. She’s founder of Nonprofit Wellness, and this was part of our coverage of the 2021 Nonprofit Technology Conference. This week’s show is intentionally short, so you can spend more time taking care of self and team.

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

534: Team Care – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio


This Week: 

Team Care
Susan Comfort wants you to go beyond self care, which gets a lot of attention, to team care. Yes, take care of yourself, but then look after your team. She’s founder of Nonprofit Wellness, and part of our 21NTC coverage. This week’s show is shorter than usual, so you can spend more time taking care of self and team.

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

484b: Special Episode: Coronavirus & Team Care – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio


This week: 

Special Episode: Coronavirus & Team Care
Susan Comfort & Mo Abdullah can help your team prevent burnout, increase effectiveness and resilience and stay healthy, productive and joyful. Even today. Susan is founder of Nonprofit Wellness and Mo is founder of Culture Energized. (Part of our virtual #20NTC coverage) 

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com