496a: Special Episode: Your Dismantling Racism Journey – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio


Special Episode: 

Your Dismantling Racism Journey
Starting with your people, your culture and your leadership, how do you identify, talk about and begin to break down inequitable structures in your nonprofit? My guest is Pratichi Shah, founder & CEO at Flourish Talent Management Solutions.

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

436: Strategic Knowledge Management & Ethics In Your Prospect Research – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio


This week

Strategic Knowledge Management
Documents. Data. Projects. Governance. Training. They’re all components of knowledge management and our panel from 19NTC explains how to manage properly. Both returning, they’re Dar Veverka from Urban Teachers and Janice Chan at Shift and Scaffold.

Ethics In Your Prospect Research
There’s a lot of personal and private info available on your donors, volunteers and prospects. Your researcher’s job is to find it. Where are the boundaries? How do you protect it? Maria Semple takes on these and other potential landmines. She’s our prospect research contributor and The Prospect Finder.

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com