514: How To Work In Uncertainty & Low-Cost Fundraising Software – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio


This Week: 

How To Work In Uncertainty
A June study of nonprofits has lessons for now and our future. The election may be settled, but there are unknowns afoot: the pandemic; reaction to the election; a divided federal government; federal stimulus; racial reckoning; climate change. The study’s co-authors shepherd us. They’re Gail Bower at Bower & Co. Consulting LLC and Karen Eber Davis at Karen Eber Davis Consulting.

Low-Cost Fundraising Software Guide
Chris Bernard
and Amadie Hart, the co-authors of Tech Impact’s new software selection guide, talk us through: What these systems offer; how to compare them; and how to select the best one for your needs.

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

513: Boards And Asking Styles – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio


This Week: 

Boards And Asking Styles
Brian Saber returns with his new book, “Boards And Asking Styles.” Your board’s Rainmakers, Go-Getters, Kindred Spirits and Mission Controllers all need to work with each other, your CEO and your staff. Brian shepherds you through how to make that happen. He’s president of Asking Matters. 

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

512: Mommy Lied To God – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio


This Week: 

Mommy Lied To God
That’s Carlos Maestas’ new book. He’s a storysmith and he’s got tips and strategies to improve your storytelling. He’s the founder of Key Ideas. What’s this got to do with Mr. Rogers Neighborhood? Come listen! Come learn.

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

511: Virtual Volunteering & Artists Sunday – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio


This Week: 

Virtual Volunteering
During the resurging pandemic—and after—there are smart ways to keep your volunteers engaged virtually. What’s this got to do with the movie, “Miracle on 34th Street?” Elizabeth Neufeld shares her thinking. She’s CEO and founder of Strat Labs.

Artists Sunday 
Chris Sherman crafted this day of artistry that follows Thanksgiving and precedes Giving Tuesday. He explains what it’s about and how you can join the movement.

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

504: Get Heard In A Time Of Info Fatigue & Digital Marketing Policies – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio


This week: 

Get Heard In A Time Of Info Fatigue
Organic reach and engagement are down on Facebook and other social networks. So how do you get your marketing messages through? Julia Campbell shares her expert advice. She’s principal of J. Campbell Social Marketing. 

Digital Marketing Policies 
You’ll need policies around the smart online marketing you’re now doing. Our 20NTC panel reveals what belongs in your policies, why you’ll improve workflow and how policies can be exciting! They’re Misty McLaughlin and Justin Birdsong from Cause Craft Consulting, and Kacey Crawford with Sierra Club. 

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

498: Mindfulness, Happiness, Well-Being Apps & Apps, Tools, Tactics – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio


This week: 

Mindfulness, Happiness, Well-Being Apps
From 20NTC, a survey of apps to help you increase resilience, work-life balance and calmness. My guests are Beth Kanter, master trainer, and Meico Whitlock, The Mindful Techie.

Apps, Tools, Tactics
More 20NTC panelists share their favorite resources for efficiency, raising more money and building stronger relationships. They’re Meico Whitlock, The Mindful Techie, and Jason Shim from Pathways to Education Canada.

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

494: WŌC & Life And Career Lessons – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio


This week: 

Women Of Color in Fundraising and Philanthropy is a new online community. Founder Yolanda Johnson returns to explain what it’s all about.

Life & Career Lessons 
Alex Counts has over 30 years in social entrepreneurship. He returns with his latest book, “When In Doubt Ask for More: And 213 Other Life & Career Lessons for the Mission-Driven Leader.”

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

492: Don’t Get Played By The Product Demo & Facebook Fundraising Data – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio


This week: 

Don’t Get Played By The Product Demo
We’ve all watched in awe as the cursor flies across the screens of a demonstration. Nine months later we’re scratching our heads. “They made it look so easy back then.” Get insider tips from Rubin Singh, who’s led hundreds of sales demos. He’s CEO of OneTenth Consulting. (Part of our 20NTC coverage)

Facebook Fundraising Data
This 20NTC panel feels your frustration over Facebook not sharing donor data. But they also admonish that you can’t ignore the value of Facebook fundraising. They bust myths, help you overcome the challenges, reveal how to thank and engage your fundraisers and steer you clear of pitfalls. They’re Nick Burne from GivePanel and consultants Julia Campbell and Maureen Wallbeoff. 

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

490: Easy AI & Impact Storytelling – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio


This week: 

Easy AI
Artificial Intelligence is an opportunity for your career, not a threat to your job. Nejeed Kassam explains how to leverage your skills in a new landscape and describes some of the intelligent tools available for you to work with. He’s CEO of Keela. (Part of our 20NTC coverage) 

Impact Storytelling
How can technology help you share your impact with the right people at the right time? How do you distill your big story down to a small, comprehensible, individual story? Tim Sarrantonio is with Neon One. (Also part of our 20NTC coverage) 

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

487a: Special Episode: Planned Giving – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio


Special Episode: 

Planned Giving
What can you do for your Planned Giving donors in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic? Something very meaningful and appreciated. Tony is alone for this short episode.

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com