496a: Special Episode: Your Dismantling Racism Journey – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio


Special Episode: 

Your Dismantling Racism Journey
Starting with your people, your culture and your leadership, how do you identify, talk about and begin to break down inequitable structures in your nonprofit? My guest is Pratichi Shah, founder & CEO at Flourish Talent Management Solutions.

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

407: Getting To Know Community Foundations – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio

tony_martignetti_300x300-itunes_image2Tony’s guests this week:

David Rosado, manager of community foundation insights at Foundation Center, and Kaberi Banerjee-Murthy, vice president of programs for Brooklyn Community Foundation. 

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

378: Turbocharge Your Grants Fundraising – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio

tony_martignetti_300x300-itunes_image2Tony’s guest this week:

John Hicks, principal and founder of DLBHICKS LLC consulting.

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com

307: Happy Healthy Nonprofit & Your Job Descriptions – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio

tony_martignetti_300x300-itunes_image2Tony’s guests this week:

Beth Kanter & Aliza Sherman, co-authors of the book, “The Happy, Healthy Nonprofit.”

Also, Heather Carpenter, co-author of the book, “The Talent Development Platform.”

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com